January NATS Chat -The Mindfulness of Singing: Bringing Ancient Practices Together for a Breakthrough Experience!

January 14, 2024

Toni Crowder & Denise Bernardini

The Mindfulness of Singing: Bringing Ancient Practices Together for a Breakthrough Experience!

Featuring: Denise Bernardini and Toni Crowder
Host: Kari Ragan

Sun, Jan 14, 2024 7:00 PM –8:00 PM EST

Mindfulness and singing are two ancient practices that have addressed the body differently. When you bring The Mindfulness of Singing into the studio, there is a focus on “the inside out” first, allowing students to connect with their somatic sensations and bringing body awareness with greater focus. Once they are “tuned in” and have harmonized their own mind, body, and spirit, self-discovery becomes a powerful catharsis for moving students toward their desired goals. The Mindfulness of Singing process is an excellent tool that helps students achieve awareness in singing and in life.

Register for January 14

NATS Chat 2023-24 Season