Journal of Singing - Article Submission Guidelines


The Journal of Singing (JOS) welcomes contributions on all subjects relating to the singing voice, such as—but not restricted to—current and historical performance practice, repertoire, voice physiology, scientific research, wellness, and voice pedagogy. Submissions to JOS encompass a wide array of music genres and performance styles, including but not limited to Western classical music, world music, musical theatre, jazz, pop, gospel and rock. The Journal of Singing also serves as an historical record of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), a nonprofit organization.

Authors wishing to submit an article for review should FIRST download these two important documents:

  1. The JOS Guidelines for Contributors
  2. The Step-by-Step Guidelines for Submission to JOS Using ScholarOne

Submission Details:

  • Re: The JOS Guidelines for Contributors:
    • Submissions that do not follow the requirements as laid out in the JOS “Guidelines” will be returned to the author for correction before being posted for peer review.
  • Re: The Step-by-Step Guidelines for Submission to JOS Using ScholarOne:
    • All contributors must upload submissions through the Journal of Singing ScholarOne Manuscripts submission and peer review site; please do not email submissions to NATS personnel.
    • The Step-by-Step Guidelines explain the entire ScholarOne process in detail.
  • In keeping with standard practice among academic journals, authors must sign a statement which attests that the article has not been submitted simultaneously to, or appeared in, another journal.

Article Review Process

Articles submitted to the Journal of Singing are evaluated for meeting the basic criteria as laid out in the JOS “Guidelines for Contributors.” Once cleared, the article is forwarded to the JOS Editorial Board for evaluation. The JOS Editorial Board is made up of NATS members chosen for their expertise in a variety of voice-related fields. Upon completion of the peer review, the JOS Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision concerning publication. Three courses of action are possible: (1) the article is accepted as submitted, or with minor emendations; (2) the article is returned to its author for major revision; (3) the article is rejected.

Article Publication Process

Once an article is accepted, authors receive the specific volume and issue number in which their article will appear; this information can then be listed as “forthcoming” in authors’ CVs and other biographical material.


For accepted articles, the average timespan from submission date to actual publication date is approximately 16 months. There are several factors that affect this timespan including: an annual publication pause in the summer from June to September; Winter Holidays (typically December 15 - January 3 in the US); thoughtful evaluation and comments from the JOS Editorial Board, which has 60 days to review each submission. Please note that returns to authors for major revisions can add delays to this timespan.


If an article is deemed to require an accelerated publication cycle, it may be published online ahead of print and receive a “digital object identifier,” or DOI. Such articles will later be assigned to a volume and issue and published traditionally, in both print and online versions of JOS.

Remuneration and Copyright

Authors receive no compensation for their published articles. All published articles become the property of NATS and should not be shared or posted in full on social media; however, a screenshot of the title page (only) for promotional purposes is encouraged. Those wishing to distribute articles published in JOS should see the NATS Reprint & Electronic Use Policy for instructions.