NATS Discretionary Fund

What is the Discretionary Fund?

DISCRETIONARY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE TO: NATS Regions; State, Province, and Chapter organizations; NATS Chapters in the process of formation. The funds are for NATS group-sponsored events, not for individual member use.

PURPOSE: NATS discretionary funds are intended to enrich the professional life of students and teachers by assisting NATS chapters and regions in sponsoring master classes, lectures, recitals, or other activities. Preference will be given to requests from organizations that have not previously received NATS discretionary funds, those sponsoring groups for whom NATS discretionary funds will permit the offering of quality events not otherwise possible, and events that directly involve students.

GRANT AMOUNTS: $600 (USD) maximum in any fiscal year (January 1 to December 31). Grants of more than $150 USD must be accompanied by matching funds from dues, admission charges, registration fees, gifts, and/or grants from other agencies. Submission of receipts is mandatory. Receipts and related paperwork are due to the VP of Outreach no later than 3 weeks after the event and, in all cases, no later than November 30 of that year.

NOTE: The NATS Discretionary Fund is not a primary source of funding for special events, but an ancillary one. If a program is financially successful to the extent that discretionary funds are not needed, please notify the Vice President of Outreach immediately so that those funds can be released to another applicant. All applications are processed in the order in which they are received.

Who May Apply for Discretionary Funds?

NATS Regions; State, Province, and Chapter organizations; and NATS Chapters in the process of formation. Discretionary funds are for the use of organizations within NATS, not for individual members' use. Only Chapter Presidents (or their representatives), or Region Governors/District Membership Directors may make requests for Discretionary Funds. If you have an idea for an event that might qualify for NATS Discretionary Funds, please contact your chapter or regional representative.

Requirements for Application and Use of Discretionary Funds

APPLICATIONS: The Online Application Form must include as accurate an estimate as possible of both income and expenses and must be submitted at least SIX weeks before the date of the scheduled event.

REQUIRED ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Acknowledgment of assistance from NATS discretionary funds must appear on project programs as follows:

"This event is made possible in part by a grant from the Discretionary Funds of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc."

EXPENSE VOUCHER: The Online Expense Voucher must be completed no later than 3 weeks after the event has taken place, and, in all cases, no later than November 30 of that year. After approval, the check is mailed to the designee listed on the Expense Voucher form. Failure to follow these requirements may lead to a loss of monies from NATS Discretionary Funds.

Application and Expense Forms for Discretionary Funds

Please note: Only Chapter Presidents (or their representatives), or Region Governors/District Membership Directors may make requests for Discretionary Funds.