October NATS Chat - Practicing Curiosity

October 15, 2023

Ian Howell

Practicing Curiosity

Featuring: Ian Howell
Host: Kari Ragan
Sun, Oct 15, 2023 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT 

Modern voice teaching can pull people in multiple directions. It is easy to imagine you must either gain command of an impossible amount of information or double down to argue that excellence means pursuing a limited (and likely specific) skill set. In his career as a performer and teacher, Ian Howell has always pushed the value of cultivating and practicing curiosity, expanding knowledge, and applying it in as wide a range of contexts as possible. In this NATS Chat, we will cover several topics, including an update to the state of online teaching, training functional listening skills, and his thoughts on the current perception that teachers and singers must prize either application, or theory and research.

Register for October 15

NATS Chat 2023-24 Season