List of Named Funds

Named funds established through the NATS Foundation generate assistance to aspiring and talented singers and teachers. These funds provide financial support of the NATS Artist Awards (NATSAA), the National Musical Theater Competition (NMTC), the NATS Intern Program, the NATS Foundation Pedagogy Award, the Emerging Leaders Awards, the Joan Boytim Awards for Independent Teachers, Student NATS chapters, and other endeavors. For more information, please visit the NATS Foundation page.

Supports funding for NATS Artist Awards (NATSAA)

Edward Baird-Bruce Lunkley Award Fund *
Orville Borchers Award Fund *
Irvin Bushman Award Fund *
Lee Cass Award Fund *
Irma Cooper Award Fund *
Todd Duncan Award Fund *
Annemarie Gerts Award Fund *
Ruth & Robert Grooters Award Fund *
Louis Nicholas Award Fund *
Herald Stark Award Fund *
Bernard Taylor Award Fund *
Karl Trump Award Fund *
William Vennard Award Fund *
Mary Wolfman Award Fund *
NATSAA Most Promising Singer Award
James Browning and Dorothy Kirsten Award Fund *

Supports funding for National Music Theater Competition (NMTC) Awards

Bill Hayes Fund +
National Music Theater Competition Fund +

Supports funding for the NATS Intern Program

Barbara Doscher Fund +
James McKinney Fund +

Supports funding for speakers at Conferences and Workshops

Shirlee Emmons/Berton Coffin Award Fund *

Supports funding for other NATS Established Funds

Geraldine Cate Fund +
Roy Delp Fund +
Jean Westerman Gregg Fund +
Paul Kiesgen Fund +
Alpha Mayfield Fund +
NATS West Central Region Award Fund +
Oklahoma Memorial Teachers Fund +
Kenneth Pennington Fund +
Harvey Ringel Fund +

* Endowed Fund (Named fund used to support the NATSAA Finalists and Semifinalists and NATS Conference Speakers.)
+ Established Fund (These funds require additional contributions to become fully endowed.)