Job Center > Assistant/Associate Professor of Vocal Arts: Director of Opera Theater - Temple University
This is a Permanent, Full-time position.
Category: College/UniversityState/Province: Philadelphia, PA
Position: Assistant/Associate Professor of Vocal Arts: Director of Opera Theater
Deadline: November 9, 2018
Posted: October 3, 2018
Job Description / Duties
The Boyer College of Music and Dance seeks an outstanding artist-teacher with professional performance experience and a vision for building a premier collegiate opera program. Duties may include: serve as director of the Opera Theater program and coordinator of the MM in Collaborative Piano / Opera Coaching degree program; teach undergraduate and graduate students in opera theater, opera workshop, and collaborative piano; recruit and retain graduate piano students in opera coaching; teach related courses in diction, operatic literature, and/or other areas of interest. The successful candidate will demonstrate significant potential for appropriate contribution to the field through creative activity and/or scholarship.
Qualifications / Required Skills
Graduate degree preferred (professional equivalency will be considered); professional and academic conducting experience in opera preferred; outstanding performance and/or scholarly accomplishments; reputation as an outstanding teacher and musician.
Additional Information
July 1, 2019
Begins Immediately and continues until position is filled. E-mail a letter of application, a current Curriculum Vitae to
Dr. Paul Rardin, Search Committee Chair
c/o: Mrs. Florence Brown-Palmore
Temple University – Boyer College of Music and Dance
Rock Hall 105
1715 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-8097; Fax 215-204-4060
Please begin email file names with your last name, e.g.: Smith.TempleApplication.pdf or Smith.TempleCV.pdf.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS UNTIL REQUESTED. Prepare to send the following additional materials if requested at a later date:
• 5 confidential letters of recommendation directly from the referee
• 3 additional names of references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses
• Online recordings of the candidate’s performance work (piano and/or conducting) and teaching
Salary: Commensurate with experience
Contact Information
Dr. Paul Rardin, Search Committee Chair
c/o: Mrs. Florence Brown-Palmore
Temple University – Boyer College of Music and Dance, Rock Hall 105
1715 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-8097; Fax 215-204-4060
Employer Profile
Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance is located on the University’s main campus in the culturally rich and diverse city of Philadelphia. Fall 2017 enrollment included 756 students—492 undergraduate and 264 graduate students served by nearly 60 full-time faculty and approximately 100 affiliate faculty. The College offers Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Master of Music Therapy, DMA in Performance, and PhD degrees in music and BFA, MA, MFA, and PhD degrees in dance.