What's New > Boston Conference Call for Papers; deadline is Dec. 1
NATS would also like to invite all members and friends to submit abstracts for presentation consideration in poster paper format at the 53rd National Conference.
Topics for poster papers may include:
Voice Pedagogy
Voice Science
The Private Studio
Technology and Teaching
Vocal Repertoire
Performance Practice
Commercial Styles
Musicological Studios
Teaching Students with Special Needs
... or any other topic related to the art and science of singing and teaching singing.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in length and should be sent in Microsoft Word format as a file attachment to an electronic mail. Only electronic submissions will be considered.
Please send abstracts to:
John Nix, Associate Professor of Voice and Voice Pedagogy
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Poster Paper Coordinator, NATS 53rd National Conference
Deadline: December 1, 2013-Our deadline has now passed. Thank you to everyone who made a submission. If you missed the deadline, we encourage you to make plans to submit your abstract for the 2014 National Conference event to be held in Chicago. More information will be posted in the fall of 2014.