What's New > Countdown to Conference: First Up – NATS Poster Paper Sessions available this Friday
Every NATS National Conference features an array of over 30 poster paper sessions representing the diversity of our profession over three days of the conference. The virtual format of this conference allowed poster paper coordinator Nicholas Perna the opportunity to present three poster paper sessions in a new and creative way. Perna asked each poster paper presenter to record a five minute pitch for their paper and include visual images. These videos were then edited into three videos for release this Friday, June 5th for viewing by the larger NATS community on the NATS YouTube Channel. An important feature of traditional poster paper sessions is the opportunity for conversation with the presenter about the poster topic. Those who listen to the videos have the opportunity to forward questions to presenters at nkperna@mc.edu. Dr. Perna will then be recording a Q&A session with all of the presenters responding to submitted questions and that video will be released during the conference.
June 5th – Poster paper videos released on the NATS YouTube Channel
June 12th – deadline to submit questions to posterpapers@nats.org
June 24th – Q&A video released.
Watch for the announcement of the release of the videos on Friday June 5th.