What's New > NATS invites members to submit nominations for national offices
An invitation is issued to all NATS members, chapters, districts, and regions to submit suggestions for nominees for the national offices that will be open as of July 2014.
These offices may include those of president-elect, vice president for membership, vice president for workshops, vice president for NATS Artists Awards, vice president for discretionary funds and field activities, and secretary/treasurer.
According to Article X Section 1 of our Bylaws “Vice Presidents and the Secretary/Treasurer shall serve for two years and may succeed themselves once.” By calling for the suggestions it is the hope of the Board of Directors that the National Nominating Committee will be able to consider several worthy candidates for the offices that will be open.
- Submit the name, contact information, and NATS organizational experience of the nominee. It is strongly suggested, but not required, that nominees for President-Elect have past or present experience as a member of the NATS Board of Directors. Be sure to obtain the permission from the potential candidate to submit his or her name for the two-year term of office if selected to run, and if elected by the membership. The candidate for President-Elect must be willing to serve two-year terms as President-Elect, President, and Past President, for a total of six years.
- Include the names of those in your chapter, district, and/or regions that support the suggested candidate so that the nominating committee members may contact the possible nominees for a professional résumé, qualifications for the office and any additional information needed by the committee.
- Send these materials to Donald Simonson, Chair, NATS Nominating Committee, 202 Music Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 5011, or via e-mail to <!--&MailTo(drs@iastate.edu)--> by March 15, 2013.
The National Nominating Committee will select one candidate for each open office subject to approval at the 2013 NATS Board of Directors meeting.
Prior to the election, the slate of candidates will be published in Inter Nos and online at NATS.org.
Your participation in this nominating process is an essential part of electing national officers.