What's New > NATS issues call for poster papers, proposals for 2014 national conference in Boston
NATS members and friends are invited to submit abstracts for presentation consideration in poster paper format at the 53rd NATS National Conference in Boston, which will be held July 5-9, 2014, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place.
Topics for post papers may include voice pedagogy, the private studio, voice science, technology and teaching, vocal repertoire, performance practice, commercial styles, musicological studies or any other topic related to the art and science of singing and teaching singing. The deadline for poster paper abstract submission is December 1.
NATS is also seeking members to submit proposals for special sessions to be presented at the conference.
Proposals for special sessions related to the following topics are encouraged: American song/American song composers; private studio/teaching technology; opera/voice repertoire/the ear and hearing; traditional and commercial voice pedagogy; choral and solo voice techniques; and contemporary commercial singing/voice science. The deadline for proposal submission is June 1.