What's New > Royal Caribbean Productions announces auditions during NATS National Conference
Royal Caribbean Productions, one of our Conference Sponsors, will hold auditions on Sunday, June 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the NATS National Conference in Las Vegas. Auditions will be held in the Havana Room of the Tropicana Las Vegas.
RCP is seeking professional, seasoned, and versatile singers ages 18-40 with vocal styles that include: Pop/Rock, R&B, Contemporary Music Theater/Broadway, and Jazz. Performers interested in auditioning will need to print out and prepare the audition material required. Please visit www.royalcaribbeanproductions.com, to find these materials.
To all candidates auditioning: You should also come prepared with 2 songs of your choice that best shows your talent and personality. Please prepare 16 bars and bring sheet music in the proper key. An accompanist will be provided. No a cappella or tracks permitted. All singers may be taught a dance/movement combination and should bring proper dance attire that best shows your figure. Please be sure to bring your current headshot and resume.
Ladies - Vocal range between G3 - C6, with a strong, controlled belt/mix up to an F5.
Males - Vocal range between A2 - A4 and must be able to sustain upper notes. Some roles require a strong falsetto up to an F5.