What's New > Van L. Lawrence Fellowship Application Deadline Is Nov. 15
The deadline to apply for the 2013 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship awarded by the National Association of Teachers of Singing Foundation and The Voice Foundation is rapidly approaching. Interested applicants must submit an electronic letter of intent to The Voice Foundation at <!--&MailTo(office@voicefoundation.org)--> no later than Nov. 15.
The fellowship provides funding assistance to attend the annual Symposium on Care of the Professional Voice that brings together top vocal health professionals to share the latest advances in scientific and medical voice research. After the Symposium (May 29 - June 2, 2013 in Philadelphia), the recipient will be have the opportunity to visit laryngologists, speech pathologists, voice scientists and research centers associated with The Voice Foundation during the fellowship year.
Upon completion of the fellowship experience, recipients consult with scientists they have visited and apply their newly acquired knowledge by designing and executing a research project to help advance the field of voice teaching. The Voice Foundation will review the final paper and offer counseling on its improvement so that it can be considered for expedited publication in the Journal of Voice or Journal of Singing. The opportunities and contacts provided through the fellowship experience will enhance the recipient’s ability to do meaningful interdisciplinary research and will encourage the application of appropriate voice science advances in the studio.
The 2012 fellowship winner, Dr. Kari Ragan, is currently researching “Paramaters and Utility for Vocal Cool Down Exercises” as part of her fellowship experience.
“It was an honor and privilege to be awarded the Van L. Lawrence Award in 2012,” said Ragan. “I have been inspired by the collegial congratulations and collaboration. When my research is complete, I will look forward to sharing my findings with the Voice Foundation and NATS communities.”
To be eligible for the Van L. Lawrence Fellowship, an applicant must be an active NATS member engaged in teaching with demonstrated excellence as a singing teacher. The application letter should cover the following topics (as well as any others that strengthen the application, being as succinct as possible) and include the applicant’s curriculum vitae:
- Current application of scientific knowledge in the studio
- Area of intended study and/or research project
- How the Fellowship and research project will benefit the applicant’s teaching
- NATS chapter to which the applicant belong.
The Van L. Lawrence Fellowship was created to honor Van L. Lawrence, M.D. for his outstanding contribution to voice, and particularly to recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary education he fostered among laryngologists and singing teachers. It is awarded jointly by The Voice Foundation and National Association of Teachers of Singing Foundation. Please contact The Voice Foundation with additional questions.