Past Emerging Leaders

2024 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Felicia Betts (Eastern Region)
  • Natalie Cummings (Texoma Region)
  • Michaela Kelly (Cal-Western Region)
  • Nicholas Klein (Great Lakes Region)
  • Theodora Nestorova (Eastern Region)
  • Christina Ray (Central Region)
  • Georgeanne Yehling (West Central Region)

2022 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Allison Houston (Cal-Western Region)
  • Nicole Jenkins (Mid-Atlantic Region)
  • Joshua Zink (Mid-South Region)
  • Kristen Murdaugh (New England Region)
  • Dorea Cook (Southeastern Region)
  • Phyllis Horridge (Southern Region)
  • Travis Sherwood (Texoma Region)

2020 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Colin Briskey, Seattle, Washington (Northwestern Region)
  • Troy Castle, Marion, Indiana (Great Lakes Region)
  • Kylie T. Gougler, Dubuque, Iowa (Central Region)
  • Ingrid Kammin, Champaign, Illinois (Central Region)
  • Andy King, New York, New York (Eastern Region)
  • Charles Moore, Greeley, Colorado (West Central Region)
  • Heidi Wylie, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (North Central Region)

2018 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Laurissa Backlin (Southern)
  • Robyn Frey-Monell (Cal-Western)
  • Daniel Hunter-Holly (Texoma)
  • Jennifer Bryant Pedersen (Mid-Atlantic)
  • Emily Jo Riggs (New England)
  • Kimberly Soby (Southeastern)
  • Jessica Usherwood (Mid-South)

2016 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Drake Dantzler (Great Lakes)
  • Marcus DeLoach (Eastern)
  • Sarah Davis Eaton (West Central)
  • Tracelyn Gesteland (North Central)
  • Valentin Lanzrein (Great Lakes)
  • Jessica McCormack (Great Lakes)
  • Leischen Moore (Northwestern)

2014 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Alexis B Davis (Cal-Western)
  • Marion K Russell Dickson (Texoma)
  • Evan Thomas Jones (Mid-South)
  • Deborah Lynn Popham (Southeastern)
  • Amy Pfrimmer (Southern)
  • Christianne Rushton (New England)
  • Kristen A Wunderlich (Mid-Atlantic)

2012 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Nicole Marschall (North Central)
  • Elizabeth Bell (West Central)
  • Bonnie Cutsforth-Huber (Eastern)
  • Marc Schapman (Central)
  • Jessica McCormack (Great Lakes)
  • Christine Keene (Northwest)
  • Jonathon Struve (Central)

2010 Emerging Leader Award Recipients

  • Serdar Ilban (Cal-Western)
  • Angela Peterson Winter (Mid-Atlantic)
  • Shelley Neville (New England)
  • Michelle Debruyn (Southeastern)
  • Barbara Clements (Southern)
  • Mark McQuade (Texoma)
  • Maurice Burgess (Mid-Atlantic)

2008 Young Leader Award Recipients

  • Amy Conn (Central)
  • Erin Guinup (Northwestern)
  • Sarah Khatcherian (Eastern)
  • Elvadine (Ellie) Seligmann (West Central)
  • Joseph Perniciaro, at-large (West Central)
  • Karen Kanakis, at-large (Central)

Since not all eligible regions were represented by an applicant, the Foundation generously offered to support two additional Young Leaders at-large from the remaining pool of candidates.

2006 Young Leader Award Recipients

  • Jon Clements (Southern)
  • Stephanie Dillard de Jong (Mid-Atlantic)
  • Janelle DeStefano (Cal-Western)
  • Margaret Garrett (Mid-South)
  • Arikka Gregory (Texoma)
  • Adam Kirkpatrick (Southeastern)
  • Sarah Whitten (New England)