NATS Mentored Teaching Experience

The NATS Mentored Teaching Experience is perfect for voice teachers and collaborative pianists who want to:

  • Strengthen their studio pedagogy
  • Receive feedback on their teaching
  • Re-energize their teaching!

NATS member Lauren D'Ottavio shares what it is like to take part in the NATS Mentored Teaching Experience.

WHEN: January 7-9, 2022

WHERE: 2022 NATS Winter Workshop, Manhattan School of Music, New York City

NOTE: Only attendees registered for the full Workshop may participate in this program.

FEE: $100

LIMIT: A maximum of 32 studio teachers may participate.

Who are the mentor teachers?

2022 Winter Workshop - Mentored Teaching ExperienceL to R: Sahoko Sato Timpone, Felix Graham, Amanda Flynn, and Gregory Sheppard.

2022 Winter Workshop Mentor Teachers: 


Studio Teachers will:

  1. Video record and upload two 30-minute or 45-minute lessons to YouTube. These teaching videos should be with two different students, preferably with different voice types. Teachers must include a 5-minute maximum video providing an introduction to their studio environment and an explanation of particular areas of concern they may have. This may include lesson organization, teaching style, teaching of technique, selection and coaching of repertoire, etc.
  2. Complete a student information and YouTube link form for each student/lesson.
  3. Email a CV or resume of teacher training and teaching experience to date to
  4. Meet with their mentor for one hour at the NATS Workshop for a one-on-one feedback and discussion.
  5. Complete an evaluation of their Mentored Teaching Experience. This will be sent following the workshop.

Mentor Teachers will:

  1. Review submitted videos and documents, and they will complete a teaching feedback form for each lesson.
  2. Meet with the mentee teacher for one hour at the NATS Workshop.
  3. Compete an evaluation of this Mentored Teaching Experience, which will be sent after the workshop.

Forms and helpful information

What's the goal of the Mentored Teaching Experience?

Building on the success of existing mentoring events, NATS is committed to nurturing and promoting additional mentoring opportunities. The Mentored Teaching Experience is intended to provide to more NATS members with a tailored professional developmental opportunity at a reasonable cost. The mentor teachers are established professionals in pedagogy, opera, musical theatre, art song, and collaborative piano.

Please note: The Mentored Teaching Experience is available to current teachers. Those registered for the workshop as students are not eligible.

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